GCH Library is managed by a professional Librarian, with three assistants, and operates across both school buildings. The friendly and knowledgeable staff are always ready to help – ask us anything! We might not know the answer, but we know where to look. Opening times are as follows:
St Andrew's Library:
Monday to Friday 0815 - 1630
St Michael’s Library:
Monday 0815-1700
Tuesday 0815-1600
Wednesday 0815-1515
Thursday 0815-1600
Friday 0815-1600
The Libraries
The Library collection is housed in the two school buildings, and has
· Over 20, 000 books
· Carefully selected online subscription databases
· Subject reading lists
· Topic reading lists
· Competitions
· Computers and
· Comfy places to sit
Reading and Literacy
In December 2007 The Grey Coat Hospital was awarded the distinction of being a Reading Connects School. This means we place a high priority on reading and have the following aims:
To encourage and support reluctant readers at KS3 by means of genre reading groups and story times, and at KS4 by challenging Year 10 students to continue reading by involvement in the Carnegie Award Shadowing Scheme.
To actively involve the whole staff in reading related activities by promoting a whole school approach to reading for pleasure and using themed reads and reading journeys.
The Libraries
Our students can choose from our stock of fiction and non-fiction books, and both libraries provide access to the internet, school network and VLE.
The Library page of the VLE provides access to a virtual library of selected high-quality databases, which can be searched simultaneously with our books and e-files via the library catalogue.
We also have a wide selection of DVDs, videos, CDs and audio cassettes with access to CD and cassette players.
Homework Club
There is a staffed Homework Club at the St Andrew’s Library every day. Students can come and use the Library facilities in order to complete homework, research or read.
Most of these resources can be borrowed, and students can take up to 4 resources out at one time. Loans are for a two week period unless the resources form part of the Short Loan Collection.
Year 7 Reading Club
The Year 7 reading club runs every Wednesday in the lower school Library. Popular sessions include Book Club Bingo and creating board games based on our favourite books.
As an official Carnegie Award Shadowing School, we read and discuss the shortlisted books each year, and maintain our own page on the Carnegie Shadowing website. You can see it here:
Author Visits
We have a programme of regular author visits on World Book Day and throughout the year. Students have the opportunity to hear them speak about writing, to buy signed copies of their books, and to attend workshops. You can see pictures of some of the visits in the gallery above.
Pupil Librarians
Since the introduction of Pupil Librarians in 2011 the scheme has become more and more popular. We now have 30 students regularly working in the St Andrew’s Library.
Library Rules
Students are expected to:
respect others whilst in the Library and work or read as quietly as possible.
refrain from eating, drinking or chewing.
ensure that all resources are issued to them before taking them out of the Library.