The Grey Coat Hospital

Church of England Comprehensive School for Girls



Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages Curriculum

The school is a specialist Language College and has held this status since 2002. All girls are required to study at least one language throughout their school life up to GCSE level. They can then choose to continue language study into the Sixth Form if they so wish.

KS3 Languages

All students will study two languages in Years 7 to 9. Tutor groups G,R and Y will study Spanish and German, and tutor groups C, T and H will study Spanish and French.

 KS4 / GCSE Languages

All students will continue to study at least one language at GCSE level and most will continue with their second language option. As a Language College we are keen for as many girls as possible to study at least two languages to GCSE level, from the following:

  • GCSE French
  • GCSE German
  • GCSE Spanish
  • (For those studying just one language there will be three lessons per week of that language. Those who do opt for the two languages will have six fifty minute lessons per week in total. GCSE Latin as a third language option is also offered).

Languages at ‘A’ Level

We offer French, Spanish and German at A-Level as a two year course. 

MFL: Trips and Exchanges

The Modern Foreign Languages department has arranged many trips and exchanges, some with other schools. Some of the past trips and visits:

·         7Y Trips to France and Germany

·         Y9 Exchange with Münster, Germany

·         Y10 Exchange with Pamplona, Spain