At The Grey Coat Hospital, we take a whole school approach to Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE). This reflects the needs of the pupils, the Christian ethos of the school and the broad aims of the National Curriculum and the statutory guidance for Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education.
Whole school approach
Provision for PSHCE at The Grey Coat Hospital comes from a variety of identifiable sources. There is a whole school approach to PSHCE, which means that key themes and values permeate what we do every day.
PSHCE lessons
Y7-8 have one PSHCE lesson a week; Y9 have one PSHCE lesson a fortnight and Y10 and Y11 have one form time each week allocated to teaching PSHCE content. These lessons are taught by form tutors and coordinated by the Assistant Head in charge of PSHCE and each year group’s Head of Year.
Pastoral programme
Through registration, monitoring, mentoring and target setting PSHCE development is promoted. Form Tutors and Heads of Year have an important role to play in supporting students’ personal, emotional and social well-being and developing their knowledge of the PSHCE curriculum outside of lesson time.
These are delivered by all members of staff during the year and promote PSHCE themes and the Christian ethos of the school. Each year group has a year assembly and there are two Key Stage assemblies each week.
National Curriculum lessons
Within subjects and departments many aspects of PSHCE are delivered. For example, many aspects of the Relationships and Sex Education content is covered within Science and Religious Studies lessons. Citizenship topics are taught in the History curriculum and ICT lessons cover content on online behaviour and internet safety.
Extra-curricular activities
Through a growing range of clubs and wider opportunities, including the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, School Council and debating, pupils have the chance to develop personally and socially. There are also a wide variety of extra-curricular activities that support students’ physical and emotional health, thus supporting the PSHCE curriculum.
Wider community
Our links with the immediate and global community enable students to reflect on their place in the world. We have also established a number of links with external PSHCE providers, who we invite into school to support the teaching and learning of various topics.
Theme Day
The whole school comes together to reflect on our values through the annual theme. This supports the PSHCE curriculum by building on students’ knowledge of a range of topics.
PSHCE Programme
The PSHCE curriculum has been organised around three key themes across Key Stage 3 and 4. These are:
Health and Wellbeing
Living in the Wider World
Overview of Year 7 PSHCE Programme:
1st half term
Settling In
2nd half term
Growth Mindset
3rd half term
Citizenship – “Charities” Unit
4th half term
Citizenship – “Charities” Unit
5th half term
Health and Puberty
6th half term
Building Relationships
Overview of Year 8 PSHCE Programme:
1st half term
Digital Literacy
2nd half term
Identity and Relationships
3rd half term
4th half term
Emotional wellbeing - Dove Self Esteem Project
5th half term
Drugs and Alcohol
6th half term
Community and Careers
Overview of Year 9 PSHCE Programme:
1st half term
Healthy Lifestyle
2nd half term
Careers Infromation and Guidance – Setting Goals
3rd half term
Respectful Relationships
4th half term
Peer influence and substance use
5th half term
Intimate relationships
6th half term
Employability skills
Overview of Year 10 PSHCE Programme:
1st half term
Exploring influence
2nd half term
Financial Decision making
3rd half term
Healthy Relationships
4th half term
Mental Health
5th half term
Addressing extremism and radicalization
6th half term
Work Experience Preparation
Overview of Year 11 PSHCE Programme:
1st half term
Bulding for the future
2nd half term
Next steps
3rd half term
Communication in relationships
4th half term
5th half term
6th half term
GCSE preparation
The PSHCE Programme is also supported and enhanced by sessions from the following external agencies. These include:
School Nurses
The Riot Act
S.A.M.E Academy
Diversity Role Models
Women and Girls’ Network
The RAP Foundation
The Boobettes
Our Streets Now
Learning Performance