There is a wide variety of extra curricular activities available to students. We are partially an extended school – there is a breakfast club and a full range of extra curricular activities available to students across the curriculum.
Students have plenty of opportunity to attend lunchtime or after school clubs (for example Reading Club, Drama Club, Science Club).
In PE there is a large selection of activities including football, swimming, cricket, athletics and dance, encouraging students to get active. There are regular pan Westminster and London competitions across all our sporting activities and our students have represented England in activities such as athletics and football.
In music we have a large number of visiting instrumental and singing teachers and there are music tuition lessons ranging from singing, guitar and piano to African drumming! We have numerous choirs including chamber and gospel and there are a number of drama performances throughout the year.
In addition to this we have regular ‘Charity Weeks’ where a year group takes responsibility for organising events and activities that raise money for charity. Typically this might involve cake or homemade jewellery stalls over lunch time but often can see sporting activities take place, with spectators paying to see teachers versus students’ football matches, fencing and so on.
In addition to these activities we offer a wide range of school trips and foreign exchanges that reflect our Language College status. We have strong links with various international partnership schools including France, Germany, China and Japan. We also encourage outdoor activities through ski trips and our regular Duke of Edinburgh schemes.