At GCH we offer a range of sporting activities, clubs and teams for all students (and staff) to compete or participate in sport and fitness outside of the normal timetable.
For students that do want to compete for the school against local, neighbouring schools; we currently have teams in the following sports:
Athletics including Cross Country
We also are in national competitions and performances in:
Athletics including Cross Country
For students that want to participate or compete but aren’t currently able to get into a school team, we have sports clubs and inter-form competitions running throughout the year. We also offer activities for fun, fitness and well-being, as well as sports leadership opportunities. We have a yoga club, circuit training, fun club for just year 7s (organised by the year 9 sports ambassadors), fun trampolining sessions, netball, rounders, multi-sports sessions including; benchball, dodgeball, volleyball, adapted rules basketball, football and rounders, a running club and we have also been on walks for well-being.
We also put on an annual gym and dance display, swimming gala and sports day; in which students can perform, participate and compete against their peers, in a fun, supportive, school environment.
The extra-curricular PE provision is broad and there really is something for everyone. We have regular, trusted external coaches, as well as PE and school staff that take the activities. We are constantly reviewing the provision and adding new opportunities and activities where possible, as the Sports Ambassadors act as the Sport student voice and let us know what the student body would like to add and change.